Healer Extraordinaire

Born to a Conjurer mother and lancer father, Brianna grew up no stranger to either combat or the after effects. Taking quickly to her mothers craft, the young girl found quite the knack for communing with the nature spirits. Honing her craft under the studious guidance of the Conjurer's guild, Brianna quickly became one of the foremost students within her group. Before long she was being dispatched alongside the Wood Wailers and Twin Adders for various patrols and missions. Proving her mettle once and more, she was given leave to explore Eorzea and see what wonders await her in the lands beyond.In her spare time, Brianna is utterly devoted to her union with nature. She is constantly perusing herbalists and tincture shops for the newest and most viable specimens that might help her further an ever-growing love of botany and herbalism. She also makes sure to take any opportunity to learn and practice alongside any others who may share her penchant for the health of her fellow adventurers.


Full name: Brianna Marigold Evans
Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Orientation: Pansexual, Femme leaning
Marital: Single
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Citizenship: Gridanian
Patron: Azeyma, the Warden
Height: 6'2
Weight: 165lbs, but claims 140
Energy: Excitable, Sprightly, Fun
Likes: Adventure, sweets, alcohol, people
Dislikes: Cold places, voidsent, spicy food
Easily excited
Horrible with finances
Deceptively stout drinker
Slightly self-conscious about her weight
Secretly a nymphomaniac


Has Brianna helped you out of a tight spot? Poke her and offer her thanks!
Fellow Conjurer? Approach for guidance, or to offer a new idea!
Think you can out-drink her? Good luck.
Simply like the way she looks? Chat her up and see where things lead!


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